Hi, I'm Marcin Piczkowski - Java and Node.js expert specializing in cloud solutions.

More on me


I am 15705.27440848148 days old, full-stack developer.

I write code in Java, Groovy, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

I run serverless applications on AWS

I design software architecture and occasionally lead teams.

I enjoy modern technologies and software craftsmanship.

I like being active.

When coding, I primarily use IntelliJ IDEA.

My primary OS is Linux.

I use many CLI tools, frameworks and libraries such as: git, docker, spring, maven, bower, npm, webpack, react, jQuery.

I blog at https://cloudly.tech, https://piczkowski.blogspot.com and http://piczkowskipl.blogspot.com (in Polish).


These are my demo apps and projects I am experimenting on
Node.Js Social Starter is an example social REST API with MongoDB as data storage and AWS S3 as image storage.
Serverless Reservation is a cloud reservation system hosted on AWS, developed using Serverless framework. Work progress was documented on Cloudly.Tech blog.
Tasks Engine is demo of tasks scheduling in Spring framework. It shows different mechanisms of scheduling and threads execution.
Node.Js Schemaless REST Starter is an example of secured REST API based on Express JS with MongoDB as data storage. App and database are deployable in Docker container.

Looking for a mentor?


If you need some mentoring in topics in which I specialize, do not hesitate to reach out to me through the channels listed on the top of this page.

You can also find me as a mentor at




Here is a list of talks I give:

  • Easy serverless applications with Serverless Framework on AWS
  • Work in IT: remotely or in an office?